
Creating a Green Corridor

Bishkek - by 1 May 2023, communities of internal migrants and IOM, in coordination with the Bishkek City Hall, completed planting a community-initiated Green Corridor with a total length of about 150 meters, connecting several residential neighborhoods where internal migrants reside to the city. Previously, this area was a wasteland along the busy sidewalk near the road, hence, there was high pollution caused by cars and fit was impossible to escape from the summer heat due to complete lack of trees and shadow.

The community project is part of IOM’s Enhancing Migrants’ awareness on Air Pollution and Moving Towards a “Healthy City Vision” in Bishkek Project funded by IOM Development Fund. The Bishkek City Hall carried out preparatory works for planting saplings, including a topographic survey of the area and the watering system. IOM procured 94 trees, including maples, horse chestnuts, lindens, that are suitable for the city’s climate. All the seedlings have been adopted and are pleasing the residents with their greenery.

Greening is crucial amid rising temperatures. Besides cooling, plants also help keep harmful pollutants and microscopic particles at bay through a complex process known as dry deposition, whereby particles penetrate and become trapped in the wax or cuticles of the leaves. Mass greening can further reduce pollution and keep cities cool in the increasingly scorching summers that lie ahead.

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 13 - Climate Action